Partial transcript of a conversation

Partial transcript of a conversation I had with Dinah, starting with me yammering about Office XP Smart Tags:

Anil Dash:the Tags are like DeepLeap for Office, the potential is


DinahSanders: Whoa.

DinahSanders: ‘scuse me

Anil Dash:I was talking to Bryan Boyer about it tonight, and i told him not to look at the documentation, because he’ll cry


Anil Dash:nice 🙂

Anil Dash:there should be a universal Keanu Whoa indicator

DinahSanders: kWhoa.

Anil Dash:perhaps its own HTML tag, since you can’t really separate that content from its presentation

DinahSanders: Yeah, something that makes it green droppy letters.

Anil Dash:exactly. although it may have to gracefully degrade to a Bill & Ted font


Anil Dash:heh, i think i’m gonna have to post this little exchange to

my site 🙂

DinahSanders: You should do that.

DinahSanders: The world has the right to know.

Anil Dash:I’m hoping the W3C sees it and it makes XHTML 2.0