An actual spam that I
An actual spam that I received this morning, under the subject line "a GREAT gun rack"
Hey good buddy, If you're like me, you want to keep your firearms out of the hands of thieves, yet carry them within reach in your extended cab pickup, SUV, or van. The Wolfpack Gunrack is just the ticket. It protects your firearms and delicate scopes from jolts and shock, can be locked with a simple bike chain, and is not made from cheesy plastic--it's built to last from 16 gauge cold-rolled steel with a permanent baked powder-coat finish, high-strength nylon, and high-impact plastic buckles. And it won't damage your headliner or the weather protection around your car windows. If you're interested in the best in firearm transportation and safety, at the low, low price of only $34.95 plus delivery, check out our website at . Just click on the address and the wonders of computers will take you there. Visa, Master Charge, American Express, and hunting and fishing tips gladly accepted. What's to lose with a 30 day, no argument, purchase price back guarantee? If you have questions, call me on my nickel at (800) 431-1479. Good shootin', Larry Jay Martin Wolfpack Gunrack If you received this in error, or simply wish to be permanently removed from our mailing roster, click on, don't change the subject line, and you're automatically off the list. Have a super day and a safe day in God's great outdoors.
Whew! Talk about not knowing your demographicβ¦.