Following up on the conversation about accountability, january one discusses the dark side of blogging from the perspective of the knitting blog community. This was particularly instructive for me because I’ve been wrongly using the knitting blogs community as an example of years as one of the few online communities that hasn’t had to wrangle with the issue. Turns out that’s my own myopia, not reality. More from And She Knits Too, with the combined perspective of a knitter and a sociologist who studies media and communication. I love expertise.
Eight years later, I still love Ariana’s Blog. In my feedreader, it’s still under “nubbin”. And congrats, Ariana. 🙂
Sweetney at MamaPop is far too kind. Though I get a lot of credit in her post, it’s really a tribute to the folks I work with at Six Apart (and our good friends over at FM Pub) really, really love helping people blog. I find that kind of heartening, because it’s such an earnest desire.