Michael Koppelman's Blog Just found this, though it’s an older post: Michael Koppelman’s PodCasts about his time working with Prince. Koppelman was the engineer on a bunch of great...
Interview with Alan Leeds Prince.org has a great interview entitled " ALAN LEEDS – THE QUESTIONS, THE ANSWERS & MORE BESIDES… .", with some terrific insights from Alan Lee...
Top Ten Words in "Trapped in the Closet" Having just watched chapters 1-12 of R. Kelly’s Trapped in the Closet , here’s a list of the best words in the saga: Rubber Spatula Allergic Bless...
Real Live Jesus Juice! I’m delighted to see the Smoking Gun’s " Blasphemy In A Bottle" story. "Journalist" Dawn Westlake of CBS, who has covered the Michael Jack...
I don't understand Mariah Carey killed her career by divorcing her boss and making a shitty movie, and then she gets to come back because she’s filling the void left by Bone Thug...
Lewis Taylor finally shows up It’s really weird that after years of kicking around the industry Lewis Taylor finally shows up, apparently charting in some places. It’s even been enough th...
Judd Apatow's Diary It’s like the whole web was made for Ben’s indulgence . This week at Slate, Judd Apatow’s Diary . The best part? He loves "Being Bobby Brown" , to...
What Time Is It? The amount of information, especially in the song database, at the unofficial home of Morris Day & THE TIME is pretty amazing. I love resources like this...
Scott Stapp gets Punk'd Why do I love LiveJournal? Because you find things like " Who’s your favorite faux Christian ex-rock star? ". A sad tale of Scott Stapp’s decline int...
You just seem like a nice person. I’m really enjoying " A LETTER TO PRINCE ROGERS NELSON ." Newbie thinks that the fansite is run by Prince himself, hilarity ensues. Big bonus points...
The Misunderestimation of Lauryn Hill Man, the best of Lauryn Hill mix tape is so good that it’s a fucking shame she’s batshit, Tom Cruise-crazy now. Come back, Lauryn, stop making wack songs...
Tiny Mix Tapes on Nine Inch Nails Okay, this is a pretty funny record review . Although I figure people who are still in their "listening to NIN" phase would enjoy the record....
Big Will Returns Now that Jay has confessed to listening to Will Smith, I can too. First, there’s a few things to know. I still hold out hope that Will’s going to make a grea...
Land Shark! OMG, Best Television Film Movie about Sharks and Bikinis ever! Spring Break Shark Attack had the Tiffany Network showering us with blood, gore, slutty spring...
The Ultimate Hip Hop Slashfic Starter This is second only to that "Biggie and Tupac start making out in hell" story that was posted on alt.hiphop.fanfic.slash the other day....
I have so much more to offer. More proof that the New York Times is the best paper in the world: A Fake Michael Jackson’s Big Break: A Fake Trial . This important piece of journalism cover...
Your Name, Your Destiny One of the great revelations of this AP story on Kevin Federline is that Kevin’s second child with Shar Jackson is named "Kaleb Michael Jackson Federlin...
Navigation Innovations The impressive thing isn’t that Sky News has a Michael Jackson Trial Channel . The impressive thing is the order of the navigation on the left side of their n...
D'Arrested Left and Right: D’Angelo and O.D.B. Proving my theory incorrect, D’Angelo hasn’t actually become so unpopular that he can’t get arrested . And, wors...
Jessica, Ashley, and O.J. I don’t know how the Boston Globe publishes this, since it ain’t hardly news, but " Ashlee Simpson’s career comes courtesy of Daddy dearest ". Dear...
EW's Entertainers of the Year From Entertainment Weekly’s Entertainers of the Year : For Prince, the best part of his ’04 triumph was that it was all about the music, not about marke...
Overlooked Again! The Online Film Critics Society has its list of the 100 most overlooked films of the 90s and doesn’t include Boomerang! Criminal!...
1.5 Milllion Prince fans can't be wrong From the Star Tribune, " When Prince tours, he’s king ". Madonna generated more tour revenue than Prince in 2004, but only ’cause she was willing to...
A very Neverland Xmas In what’s become an annual holiday tradition at Michael’s Neverland Ranch, the cops turned the joint upside down again . Ho ho ho!...
Celebs tell their Prince stories GQ has a range of different celebrities fawn over Prince . From Jermaine Dupri: "I remember when I was 8, Prince was opening for Rick James, and my mothe...
MPLS IP Since the Commons is going to Minneapolis , it might make sense to read Prince’s thoughts on maintaining control of one’s intellectual property ....
BREAKING NEWS This just in: geeky white guys with blogs like indie rock ! Me? I like music made by machines and/or black folks. Call me crazy....
Least Necessary Fisking Evar I am boundlessly amused that the "bloggers fact-checking the Eye’s ass" circle-jerk has reached its nadir: Courtesy of Poynter.org , two thousand an...
Prince Movie Marathon I won’t be in NYC to see it myself, but you might want to check out the Prince movie marathon that’s coming up....
Under the Cherry Influence? In what may be a first for media of any type, at any time, I have found a positive review of Under the Cherry Moon . I love the movie, but I still think t...
More on Cinnamon Girl Milking the “controversy” over Cinnamon Girl for all it’s worth, the local Twin Cities press talks to the guys who made the video . If nothing else, they shou...
asian mack filters itunes As is to be expected now that you can get paid a nickel for sending people to the iTunes store, there’s a blog that sifts through iTMS and links to highlights....
Please Don't Hurt Hammer I find it oddly comforting that MC Hammer’s wikipedia page is not only completely updated, but clearly written by a fan who’s only papered the thinnest venee...
OMFG SLCD Just for my own reference, I wanted to bookmark my favorite online music store, which I always forget the name of: SLCD , baby....
Everyone invented the remix Pegged to the release of Depeche Mode’s remix set, the Guardian offers a history of the remix that, predictably, skews white and British but is still pretty...
WSJ stupidity How bad does the Wall Street Journal’s editorial judgement suck? I will show you! OpinionJournal, home to James “he whom I asked to kiss my brown ass” Taranto,...
jay-z to head up def jam? Well, that raises the bar from “has his own sneaker line” in the rapper-as-mogul sweepstakes: Jay-Z’s in the running for president of Def Jam . 50’s gonna wan...
I guess I'll have to call you "Miss Jackson" then.... The sad truth is that I am the only person in this airport lounge right now who’s really enjoying Janet Jackson’s Nasty . Part of it is because these peop...
The Sound of Despair Every once in a while, the random shuffle kicks up "Breathe On Me", off of Britney’s In The Zone , and the song makes me terrifically sad, even th...
Ill Considered, Robert I’m starting to reconcile myself to the fact that I actually still enjoy a number of R. Kelly songs, but it is while listening to his exhortations at the begin...
Things will never be the same Current number of days that Michael McDonald’s " I Keep Forgettin’ " has been stuck in my head: Four....
still don't know that name... I could never figure out exactly why I liked Alicia Keys’ “ You Don’t Know My Name ” so much. I mean, it’s a fine song, featuring beautiful production by Kanye...
mellow funk instrumentals Sweet funky instrumentals. There’s the Commodore’s "Machine Gun", Barry White’s "Love’s Theme". There’s a whole bunch of almost vocal-fre...
Ah, sweet Applebottoms It’s really unseemly how much we’re enjoying watching Nelly’s “Search for Miss Applebottom” on VH1. It’s basically an entire show about Nelly looking at women’...
A Film to Forget I grieve for Mandy Moore. The poor girl has been unfairly lumped in with lesser lights of girl pop stardom, barely staying above Willa Ford levels of obscurity...
the Number Ones special? CBS had planned to air their Michael Jackson Number Ones special earlier, but delayed the airing after his arrest and waited until he’d sat down with 60 Minu...
Extended Funkiness The whole point of funk music is finding a groove and working it, but too many really funky songs quit just as they’re getting started. Stevie Wonder is especi...
Prince Live DVD There’s a little promotional page for Prince’s new live DVD up, and you can download some sound and video clips there. I’ll probably write up more of a revie...
all hail the queen I’m listening to the (12 years old!) track “Latifah’s Had It Up 2 Here”, and my mind is thoroughly boggled that the interceding years have left the Queen as an...
Crazy In Love I suppose it should just be a music TypeList so I can mention it, but holy crap the hook on Beyonce’s “Crazy In Love” is working. It’s a sample from the Chi-Li...
horrible tragedy Today I had a Patrick Swayze song stuck in my head. It’s the worst thing that’s ever happened in all of human history....